Meet Kevin Murphy's Body.Builder
This is a lightweight mousse that has amazing holding power. In my experiments ( of course I tested it before presenting it to you ) it held up amazingly for 6 days!
No matter if you need a mousse for holding your curls, a little more volume in your blow out, or just a little more holding power in your style, this hits the mark.
I don't have any intentions of getting rid of Joico, so don't stress if you love your Powerwhip, but I wanted to find something more lightweight for my ladies with fine/thin hair.
Body.Builder nails that for sure! It's super lightweight and builds incredible volume in the hair, especially thin/fine hair. I love it in my hair too and I will definitely be adding it to my hair routine, probably swapping it back and forth with Powerwhip from now on. I love the smell of it, the way my curls look and hold and it is also more lightweight on my hair, which allows me to have more of that crazy volume!
Ready to try it for yourself? Let me know and I will hook you up!